属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-Turning a line 化学元素即将出现新的一行
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-老旧飞机的金属疲劳 飞行侦查兵
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-牙科X光 请不要太频繁
1 | 自来水用抗高冲击丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯连接管 | high impact acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene(abs)fitting for water works service | |
2 | ||1:窗户是圣容显现,为汤姆丹尼所造,这是在现代达赫姆大教堂要安装的最大的一个。||2:拉森的工作从顶部到底部,负责修复玻璃。||3:他从那些圣灵和十字架的四叶草光芒和开始,接下去通过基督的主体和他在山上的追随者,从上到下,神的美丽的光线透过火红色的玻璃逐渐变光,投射出白色的光柱。||4:四道主要的光,以里面的主要任务命名,分别是库斯伯特,摩西,以利亚和迈克尔。他们成为熟悉的朋友。||5:当迈克尔坠落的时候,他正在安装左手边底部的一个小的镶嵌板,那是一块磨损了的蓝色玻璃,几乎是窗户上的最后一块玻璃。||6:他其实并不是特别的高,也不是特别靠边缘。||7:但是石板是无情的。 | ||1: The window was of the Transfiguration of Christ, made by Tom Denny, and one of the largest to be installed in Durham in modern times. ||2: Mr Lassen was working from top to bottom, fixing the glass he had leaded. ||3: He started with the small quatrefoil lights of the Holy Spirit and the crucifixion, proceeding down through the main panels of Christ and his followers on the mountain, with all the way the white shaft of God’s transfiguring light growing broader through the fire-and-storm colours of the glass. ||4: The four principal lights, nicknamed after the chief figures in them, were Cuthbert, Moses, Elijah and Michael; they became familiar friends. ||5: He was fitting a small panel at the bottom left-hand side, a pane of bruised blue glass that showed the broken and suffering about to be transformed by light, almost the last piece in the window, when he fell. ||6: He was not particularly high up, working at the ledge. ||7: But stone flags are unforgiving. | |
3 | ||1:科学家们证实Debereiner猜想的正确性用了数十年的时间,也因此建立了元素周期表——碱金属组成了第一族。||2:其后又花费了数十年的时间来解释为何周期表是起作用的(与电子绕原子核外轨道运动的方式有关)。||3:在即将到来的几个月里,如果一切顺利,德国达姆施塔特市GSI亥姆霍兹重离子研究中心的Christoph Dullmann将合成一个新的碱金属,即元素周期表中第119号元素。||4:这也恰恰彰显了其同胞Debereiner的深刻洞察力。||5:有了这个元素,周期表会发生前所未有的变化——延伸出新的一行。 | ||1:It took decades to tease out the truth of Debereiner’s conjecture, and thus to construct the periodic table-in which the alkali metals form the first column.||2:And it took decades more to explain why the table works (it is to do with the way electrons organise themselves in orbit around atomic nuclei).||3:But it is a fitting tribute to Debereiner’s insight that, if all goes well, some time in the next few months will bring the creation of a new alkali metal, element number 119, by his countryman Christoph Dullmann of the GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research in Darmstadt.||4:With that addition the table will do something which has never happened before.||5:It will grow a new row. | |
4 | 把小型压电声传感器安装到这种构造部位上,检测由航空级铝材裂纹所致的特定频率的噪音,靠这样就能监测飞机裂纹。 | It does this by fitting small piezoelectric acoustic sensors to parts of the structure to detect the particular frequency of noise caused by a crack in aircraft-grade aluminium. | |
5 | 大多数汽车制造者希望及时发现并处理问题,尽管会支付购买以及安装新元件的费用。 | Most carmakers want to identify and fix problems speedily despite having to bear the cost of buying and fitting a new component. | |
6 | 他们还被问及拍全颌x光—对整个口腔拍摄X光的经常性,以及是否做过牙齿整形—通常是会要求拍全颌x光。 | They were also asked how often they had had panoramic X-rays—so-called panorexes—taken of their entire mouths, and whether they had ever had braces, the fitting of which often involves a panoramic X-ray. | |
7 | STL切片数据的双弧曲线拟合算法 | Arithmetic of biarc curve fitting for STL slice datum | |
8 | 伴有重振听力障碍者的助听器验配 | Hearing aids fitting for patients accompanied with loudness recruitment | |
9 | 不同品种公猪连续日称重记录的生长曲线拟合 | The Growth Curve Fitting for the Data of Continuous Daily Body Weights of Boars of Different Breeds | |
10 | 但是无论如何,这样的安排似乎比较适合一个自传的内容主要是关于庭审和人生的错误的人。 | Regardless, the arrangement seems fitting for a man whose book will be primarily about trials and errors. | |
11 | 多项式拟合在试飞数据预处理中的应用 | Application of Polynomial Fitting for Data Pre-Processing Flight Test Data | |
12 | 发动机特性曲线的数学拟合方法 | Mathematic Curve Fitting for Engine Performance Characteristics | |
13 | 非对称配气凸轮实测升程数据的优化拟合 | Optimum Fitting for Non-Symmetrical Cam-lift Measured Data | |
14 | 高校后勤社会化的财会运作机制探索 | Financial System Fitting for the Socialization of Logistics in Colleges | |
15 | 工程设计和实验的空气幕组织分析法 | Organizing analysis method of air curtain fitting for engineering device and testing | |
16 | 广义谱相关子空间拟合DOA估计原理 | The Principle of Generalized Spectral Correlation Signal Subspace Fitting for DOA Estimation | |
17 | 加快建立公路快速运输系统适应国民经济发展 | Quicken up the Building of Highway Speeding Transportation System to Fitting for National Economy Development | |
18 | 建立适合站段应用的计算机故障应急处理方案 | Establishment of emergency scheme fitting for railway stations and depots in computer breakdown | |
20 | 埋弧焊钢管焊剂回收装置的设计与应用 | Design and Application of Flux Recovery Fitting for SSAW Pipe | |
21 | 曲线拟合在凸轮设计中的应用 | Application of curve fitting for cam design | |
22 | 软土路基的过程化设计和沉降变化趋势面的最小二乘拟合 | Coursize Design of Soft Soil Roadbase and Least Square Fitting for Trend Extension of Earth Subside Change | |
23 | 上海古树生长环境的土壤质量及评价 | Quality and Evaluation of Soil Fitting for Old Tree Growth in Shanghai | |
24 | 双曲率车门玻璃的圆环面拟合法 | Torus Surface Fitting for Dual Curvature Car Door Glass | |
25 | 听障老年人的助听器验配 | Hearing aids fitting for the elderly with hearing impairment | |
26 | 同时,所用固体碱催化剂的理化指标可调性大,适用于不同的制备原料。 | possessing large adjustability of physicochemical index for solid alkaline catalyst; fitting for preparing different raw materials. | |
27 | 外镀锌内涂塑钢管耐腐蚀连接管件的开发 | The Exploitation of Anti-Corrosion Connecting Pipe Fitting for Outside Galvanized and Inside Applied with Plastic Pipe | |
28 | 微型深沟球轴承合套优化 | Optimization of Fitting for Miniature Deep Groove Ball Bearings | |
29 | 线图扫描输入中曲线拟合的一种新方法 | A New Method of Curve Fitting for Graphic Input | |
30 | 言语测听用于验配聋儿助听器分析 | The use of speech audiometry in hearing aids fitting for deaf children |